Food Fight

USDA Boosts RAPP Funding to Grow and Diversify Export Markets

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced an additional $300 million in funding for the Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP), aimed at expanding export markets for American agricultural and food products worldwide. This initiative, part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s broader efforts to create more and better market opportunities for U.S. farmers and agribusinesses, is expected to enhance access to international markets, which in turn will support both U.S. farmers and global food security.

Deputy Agriculture Secretary Xochitl Torres Small emphasized the importance of international markets, noting that the USDA has seen significant interest in RAPP. “Access to international markets supports U.S. farmers at home and food security throughout the world,” Torres Small said. She highlighted the overwhelming response from U.S. organizations, which submitted over a billion dollars in proposals during the first round of RAPP funding earlier this year. Given the critical role that exports play in supporting farm incomes and rural economic development, the USDA is making an additional $300 million available this year.

Originally, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack launched RAPP in October 2023, allocating $1.2 billion from the Commodity Credit Corporation to help U.S. agricultural exporters diversify their customer base beyond established markets like China, Mexico, and Canada. These three markets currently account for nearly half of all U.S. export sales. In the program’s first phase, $300 million was distributed to 66 U.S. organizations, allowing them to undertake hundreds of market development projects focused on a wide variety of products and target markets.

With this new round of funding, the USDA is seeking proposals from interested organizations, with applications due by October 4. The department anticipates announcing funding allocations before the end of the year. Importantly, $25 million of the new RAPP funds are being set aside for activities in Africa, a region recognized for its rapidly growing economies but where U.S. export market investment remains low.

This additional investment will strengthen the reach of U.S. agricultural products, promoting economic growth for farmers while addressing global demand for food products. The USDA’s continued focus on expanding exports to emerging markets underscores the significance of international trade in ensuring the future prosperity of American agriculture.

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