Food Fight

The Forum for Farmers and Food Security Actively Funds Next Generation of Food Producers

Forum for Farmers and Food Security believes it is imperative to prioritize food and agriculture systems and recognize their potential to address major social, environmental, and economic challenges across industries. The newly formed coalition, aims to leverage strategic partnerships among civil society, public and private sectors, as well as financial and philanthropic communities, to drive positive change in the following areas:

  1. Increase market access for farmers: Enhancing market access for farmers and fishers can uplift livelihoods and improve food security at both individual and community levels. Overcoming challenges related to location, infrastructure, and knowledge gaps can empower farmers to sell more products and achieve greater economic stability.
  2. Connect farmers with data and technology: Equitable access to data and technology can enhance yields, profitability, and innovation. To be effective, these tools must be demand-driven and developed with input from producers, ensuring they cater to the specific needs of smaller shareholders.
  3. De-risk opportunities for producers through investment: Extreme weather events, political conflicts, and supply chain shocks pose risks to agricultural returns. Limited access to financing for inputs further compounds these challenges. Unlocking investment opportunities in the agrifood sector can enhance the resilience of food producers, foster innovation, and support the transition to regenerative practices.
  4. Establish purchase commitments: The private sector can make long-term purchase commitments to support producers adopting climate-smart agriculture practices. These commitments strengthen supply chains’ sustainability and provide economic security to farmers and fishers.
  5. Validate sustainability data and impacts: Assessing the social, environmental, and economic benefits of food and agriculture supply chains is crucial for scaling sustainable practices. Reliable data encourages financial and philanthropic communities to invest in small-scale producers already engaged in sustainable practices and convinces others to adopt them.
  6. Measure the true value of food: True Cost Accounting calculates the direct costs of food production and factors in its environmental and societal impacts. This approach helps stakeholders, including governments, businesses, investors, farmers, and fishers, understand the genuine costs of food production and make informed decisions.
  7. Expand climate literacy in agricultural communities: Climate literacy enables producers to comprehend, communicate about, and respond to the effects of climate change on agriculture and society. Particularly important for youth, awareness of the climate crisis’s consequences can drive behavior change and promote environmentally friendly food production practices.
  8. Respect and honor producers: Family farms and small-scale producers play a vital role in global food and agriculture systems, accounting for the majority of farmland and food production. Recognizing their contributions is essential, as they are the backbone of nourishing the world’s population.
  9. Invest in women: Women constitute a significant portion of the agricultural labor force and small-scale fisheries value chain. Despite their contributions, they often face gender-based barriers to accessing resources and opportunities. Investing in women and closing the gender gap can significantly reduce global food insecurity.
  10. Value indigenous and traditional knowledge systems: Indigenous peoples safeguard a substantial portion of the world’s biodiversity and possess invaluable knowledge systems that have sustained the earth for centuries. Learning from their sustainable production practices can aid in adapting to the climate crisis.
  11. Recognize the expertise of youth: Youth are vital for the future of the food and agriculture system, and their involvement in decision-making processes is crucial. Encouraging sustainable careers in food production, providing resources and training, and empowering the younger generation can drive the transformation of food and agriculture systems, especially considering the aging farming population.

By addressing these priorities, the coalition aims to catalyze positive change in the food and agriculture systems, promoting sustainability, resilience, and inclusivity.

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