Ford Engineers Transform Food Waste into Innovative Auto Part Prototypes
Ford’s engineers based in Cologne, Germany, have embarked on an innovative research project with the potential to significantly
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Research Highlights the Positive Impact of Providing Choice to Clients
Amidst the ongoing debate on the best practices for food pantries, a pioneering study has shed light on the transformative power
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The Impact of Sensors, Smart Devices, and AI on Modern Farming
The Impact of Sensors, Smart Devices, and AI on Modern Farming
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From Surplus to Support: How Careit Strengthens Communities
In a move to tackle the growing issue of food insecurity in the United States, Careit, a pioneering food donation and rescue software
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Back to their Roots: Young Iowans Return to Small-Scale Hog Farming
Eric Boor took over his great grandfather’s nine acre farm in southern Iowa four years ago. He and his wife Mikala transformed
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Watermelon Imagery : From Historical Symbolism to Modern Political Significance
Watermelon imagery has a rich historical and political significance that transcends its modern-day association with summer fun
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Daily Bread Food Pantry Shakes it Up with Electric Van
Daily Bread Food Pantry in Danbury, Connecticut, has taken a step forward in food distribution by acquiring an electric van
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Mid-Ohio Food Collective Leads with Data
Matt Habash of Mid-Ohio Food Collective leads with a unique approach, his singular focus is bringing his organization closer to those
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Angel Tree: Christmas Assistance Application
As a media reporter covering issues related to food insecurity and access to resources for those in need, I’ve come across numerous
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CEO Panel Envisions the Future of Food Banking
In a thoughtful discussion about the future of food banking, leaders from prominent food banks across the country gathered to
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