Food Fight

How Rest Enhances Our Sustainability Strategy

The sustainability of food banks and pantries is being questioned, as funders often ask how they will continue their work once funding runs out. However, assumptions that these organizations should somehow sustain themselves without charitable contributions are flawed. The food bank model is fundamentally not sustainable, considering the high rates of food insecurity in many communities.

Metro Caring, for instance, recognizes food as a human right and aims to provide access to nutritious food in a dignified manner. They have created a Fresh Foods Market that resembles a grocery store, prioritizing healthy and culturally accessible food. However, the market heavily relies on donations, leading to limited inventory and restricted hours. They acknowledge that their charitable food distribution system is separate and unequal compared to those with more financial resources.

To achieve long-term sustainability in addressing hunger, the focus should be broader. This includes considering the systemic issues that contribute to food insecurity, such as low wages and inadequate benefits. Metro Caring is exploring innovative approaches like a Universal Basic Food program, partnering with healthcare providers for food as medicine initiatives, and developing affordable housing units to tackle the root causes of hunger. They also prioritize the well-being of their staff, implementing practices like personal well-being goals, quiet hours for focused work, employee benefits supporting rest and work/life balance, and co-leadership models to distribute responsibilities.

Leaders in the nonprofit sector, especially those from marginalized communities, often experience burnout due to the ongoing oppressions they face. Addressing these issues is crucial to attracting and retaining talent. Metro Caring focuses on a flexible schedule to support innovation and sustainability, offering wellness hours, paid sabbaticals, and experimenting with a shorter workweek. They emphasize the importance of rest and renewal, recognizing that it is necessary for creativity and achieving their mission effectively.

The idea that rest can only come once the job is done is flawed. To truly address hunger this sector needs to disrupt traditional workforce expectations and prioritize care and rest. By leading by example and demonstrating the positive impact of holistic well-being on their work, food banks and pantries can bring about the necessary changes for a sustainable future.

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