Food Fight

Gillibrand Proposes a Comprehensive Plan to Combat Food Scarcity

On February 16, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand held a video press conference to unveil her plans for improving nutrition and addressing food insecurity in preparation for the 2023 Farm Bill. With over 33 million people in the United States living in food-insecure households, including approximately 2.9 million in New York who rely on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, the need for action is urgent. Gillibrand‘s proposed priorities in the Farm Bill aim to strengthen SNAP benefits, extend the SNAP program to individuals living in Puerto Rico, and ensure that disadvantaged populations always have access to food.

This announcement follows Gillibrand‘s recent questioning of USDA officials at a Senate Agriculture Committee hearing, where she emphasized the importance of maintaining sufficient SNAP benefits and improving programs such as SNAP Employment & Training and the Healthy Food Financing Initiative.

In her press conference, Sen. Gillibrand stated, “We live in the richest nation in the world, and over 33 million Americans are still struggling with food insecurity. In this Farm Bill, my goal is to enhance SNAP benefits in territories and the continental U.S., break down barriers to nutritious food, and ensure that all Americans have food on the table. Hunger in the United States is simply unacceptable, and I’m fighting for commonsense legislation to combat food insecurity nationwide.”

Sen. Gillibrand outlined several nutrition bills that she intends to introduce:

  1. Closing the Meal Gap Act: Despite the effectiveness of the SNAP program, nearly half of all households receiving SNAP benefits still experience food insecurity. The act aims to address this issue by increasing the baseline benefit for all SNAP households, allocating more funds to those with significant medical and housing expenses, and expanding access to the program. It proposes raising the baseline for SNAP benefits, removing eligibility limits, and eliminating the cap on the Excess Shelter Deduction in the SNAP formula.
  2. Puerto Rico Nutrition Assistance Fairness Act: Currently, Puerto Rico does not participate in SNAP but receives a block grant for its nutrition assistance programs. This bill outlines a process to enable Puerto Rico’s inclusion in SNAP instead of the existing Nutrition Assistance Program block grant.
  3. Training and Nutrition Stability Act: Jobseekers in SNAP Employment and Training or Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs risk losing their nutrition security due to their temporary employment status. The act would allow individuals in these programs to maintain their nutrition benefits, thereby supporting their path towards permanent employment and self-sufficiency.
  4. Enhance Access to SNAP (EATS) Act: The eligibility rules for students to receive SNAP benefits are overly complex and restrictive. The EATS Act seeks to expand SNAP eligibility to all part-time or full-time college students attending 2- and 4-year universities who meet traditional SNAP income and eligibility requirements.
  5. Military Family Nutrition Access Act: A Department of Defense report revealed that 24 percent of active duty service members experience food insecurity, posing a threat to military readiness and national security. This bill aims to exclude the [Basic Allowance for Housing]( Allowance for Housing (BAH) is a United States (,government%20quarters%20are%20not%20provided. “‌”) (BAH) from income calculations used to determine SNAP eligibility, providing better access to nutrition for military families.
  6. Food Bank Access to Farm Fresh Produce Act: With the rising demand for food assistance and increasing food prices, this act aims to support food banks by establishing a program that provides specialty crop block grants through state departments of agriculture. These grants would enable food banks and food access networks to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables directly from farmers.

Sen. Gillibrand‘s comprehensive approach to improving nutrition and addressing food insecurity demonstrates her commitment to combating hunger in the United States and ensuring that all individuals have access to nutritious meals.

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