Food Fight

Congressman Morgan McGarvey of Ky. Proposes Bill to Address Student Hunger

Congressman Morgan McGarvey, representing Kentucky’s 3rd District, has introduced his inaugural bill to ensure that no child goes hungry. H.R. 2567 or the School Meals Expansion Act, seeks to amend the Community Eligibility Provision of the National School Lunch Act, enabling more schools to provide free meals to the students they serve, according to a statement from McGarvey’s office.

Under the current provision, schools with 40 percent or more students whose families qualify for free school meals through programs like SNAP or TANF are allowed to offer free meals to all students within the school. McGarvey’s proposed School Meals Expansion Act would lower this threshold to 25 percent, opening up participation to more schools and allowing a greater number of students to benefit from free meals. McGarvey expressed his motivation behind the bill, stating, “No child should ever go hungry in the richest country on earth. My bill works toward ensuring every kid has a free, healthy meal at school. Expanding free school meals isn’t just the smart thing to do—it’s the right thing and an important step toward combating food insecurity in Jefferson County and across the country.”

In addition to expanding eligibility, the bill would also authorize federal reimbursement to schools for the cost of providing these meals, which would assist under-resourced schools in participating in the program. The School Meals Expansion Act has garnered support from various co-sponsors and endorsing organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Heart Association, and the School Nutrition Association, among others.

On April 10, the bill was introduced to the House of Representatives and subsequently referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce for further consideration. McGarvey’s efforts, alongside the bill’s supporters, aim to improve child nutrition and address food insecurity issues.

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