Food Fight

Berkeley Eatery Offers Complimentary Meals to the Hungry with No Strings Attached

Homemade Cafe in southwest Berkeley stands out from classic American diners by operating on a unique business model: providing free meals instead of charging for them. The owner, Collin Doran, initiated this practice a few years ago when he decided to offer free breakfast to anyone who was hungry, without any questions asked.

As the pandemic hit and food insecurity became more widespread, the demand for free meals grew substantially. Doran formalized his policy and named it the “Everybody Eats Program.” The typical meal offered through the program consists of a basic two-egg breakfast with home fries and toast, customized according to the customer’s preferences. To qualify, individuals need only pick up a coupon from the diner bulletin board and find a seat, the only payment expected being a simple thank you.

For individuals like Samantha Akens, a neighborhood resident who relies on food assistance programs, being able to eat at the cafe free of charge is incredibly valuable. Akens expresses gratitude for the program, as it helps alleviate her financial burden and provides a much-needed source of nourishment.

Paying customers have the opportunity to contribute by adding an additional $5 to their bill, an option gladly embraced by many regulars like Suzanne Skrivanich. Skrivanich believes that supporting the program is an essential part of showing respect and compassion towards others.

Due to its popularity, Doran now gives away approximately 200 meals per month. Despite initial concerns about managing high volumes and maintaining the program, it has only brought positive outcomes. The Homemade Cafe has experienced a 15 percent growth in business, a significant achievement for any restaurant.

Customers have reacted positively to the initiative, appreciating the cafe’s commitment to social responsibility. Even those who may not contribute financially still appreciate the cafe’s altruistic approach and choose to frequent the establishment more often.

Doran hopes that his example will inspire other businesses to follow suit and adopt socially responsible practices, aiming to make the world a better place. By prioritizing compassion and community support, the Homemade Cafe demonstrates that businesses can thrive while also helping those in need.

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