Food Fight

Spend Wisely & Eat Well: A Senior’s Guide Against Reduced SNAP Benefits and Identity Theft

Experts in financial services, nutrition, and healthcare are set to gather for the “Spend Smart, Eat Right” program, where they will engage with over 100 local seniors. The event aims to address recent federal changes to SNAP benefits, provide strategies for shopping for healthy and affordable groceries, and offer tips on budgeting effectively with tighter finances. Additionally, seniors will receive guidance on making sound financial decisions and protecting their personal information from identity thieves.

Hosted by the City Treasurer’s Office and the City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, the program will take place at 78 East Washington, the Renaissance Center within the Chicago Cultural Center. The event is scheduled for Thursday, May 4, from 11 am to 12 pm.

The motivation behind this gathering stems from recent modifications to SNAP benefits, which have put additional strain on seniors who already grapple with the aftermath of the pandemic. The changes have necessitated the exploration of new methods for stretching limited budgets to cover essential expenses such as groceries and prescriptions. In addition, seniors will receive valuable insights into protecting themselves from falling victim to identity theft.

Notable attendees at the event will include City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin, representatives from The Resurrection Project, Chicago Partnership for Health Promotion, the Internal Revenue Service, City of Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, Greater Chicago Food Depository, and Rush Hospital. The seniors in attendance are primarily from the Loop and surrounding neighborhoods.

Moreover, the program offers a valuable opportunity for seniors to undergo free health screening tests, enhancing the overall benefits of their participation.

WHEN: Thursday, May 4, from 11am to 12 noon.

WHERE: Renaissance Center, 78 East Washington (Chicago Cultural Center)

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